
and .


20:37 Ticket #235 (PHC command line has changed) closed by barney
invalid: The support for the non-PCT variants of Pipp was removed after Parrot …
19:58 Ticket #247 (mmd & subclasses (resolve mmd tickets)) created by particle
this is a tracking ticket. most mmd tickets live in rt. valid tickets …
19:57 Ticket #246 (windows porting, windows subprocesses) created by particle
make sure windows isn't left in the dust, that all parrot subsystems work …
19:56 Ticket #245 (pdd28-strings) created by particle
complete nlnet grant milestones for pdd28
19:55 Ticket #244 (support policy) created by particle
write down and make public our support policy.
19:54 Ticket #243 (pdd20-lexicals, design docs) created by particle
write pdd20, based on current lexicals implementation.
19:53 Ticket #242 (pdd23-exceptions, describe reality, user docs, exception types) created by particle
make sure pdd23 describes reality. write a user story.
19:52 Ticket #241 (pdd planning & milestone edits) created by particle
review milestones, make sure everything's on schedule for completion by …
19:50 Ticket #240 (todo/skip test review) created by particle
review all todo/skip tests in parrot repo. remove as many markers as …
19:49 Ticket #239 (parrot user documentation, objects, pmcs, dynops, etc (rescheduled from ...) created by particle
review and write parrot user docs. tell a good intro story.
19:47 Ticket #238 (ability to create dynoplibs and dynpmclibs from installed parrot ...) created by particle
make sure pmc2c and ops2c tools are available on an installed parrot, for …
19:46 Ticket #237 (pdd19-pir, user docs (rescheduled from 0.9.0)) created by particle
make sure we have enough documentation for a new user to become friendly …
19:44 Ticket #236 (implement pdd14-numbers) created by particle
add NaN/Inf to pdd, review spec against reality, implement what remains.
19:11 Ticket #235 (PHC command line has changed) created by H4ck3rm1k3
The command line has changed for phc. parrot/languages/pipp$ ./pipp …
16:35 Ticket #234 (mk_gitignore.pl (lib/Parrot/Manifest.pm) needs svk) created by fperrad
I create a local repository with 'git-svn clone'. Now, I try to generate …
12:28 Ticket #208 (pbc_to_exe --install needs to use the path to the installed libparrot) closed by rurban
fixed: Fixed with r36054
11:54 Ticket #233 ([BUG] check_named reads past the end of an array) created by cotto
In src/inter_call.c check_named behaves badly at line 1395. The code that …
10:06 Languages edited by barney
remove empty line in table (diff)
07:49 Ticket #232 (__FILE__ is not defined in PIPP) created by H4ck3rm1k3
(08:45:08) Phurl: quite simple : define('JPATH_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) …
05:53 Ticket #212 ([patch] Fix count_eh (with test)) closed by NotFound


22:00 Ticket #231 (make -j2 test fails) created by moritz
I usually do […] and these days (for example r36039) it fails: …
21:55 Ticket #230 ([PATCH] add_method tests in t/pmc/class.t no longer seem to need ...) created by ronaldws
Tests were commented out with a comment "TODO not yet implemented". On …
15:43 Ticket #86 (Tcl/Tk for Parrot - next iteration.) closed by NotFound
done: File removed in r36034 Closing ticket
09:59 Ticket #229 (invoke build process of PIRC from main makefile) created by kjs
It would be really helpful if PIRC could be build as part of the Parrot …
09:58 Languages edited by barney
Add info about languages/pod (diff)
06:53 Ticket #226 (list_new_init seems like it would crash if called) closed by chromatic
fixed: Good catch. I took out some code here when I removed the SArray PMC in …
05:05 Ticket #228 (t/pmc/sub fails with runcore PBC) created by dmajnemer
perl t/harness --gc-debug --running-make-test -r t/pmc/sub.t […] …
05:01 Ticket #227 (t/op/pushaction fails with runcore PBC) created by dmajnemer
perl t/harness --gc-debug --running-make-test -r t/op/pushaction.t […] …
03:17 Ticket #226 (list_new_init seems like it would crash if called) created by dmajnemer
list_new_init has a VTABLE_set_integer_native on user_array, a PMC not yet …


19:34 Languages edited by barney
lazy-k moved to github (diff)
19:20 Languages edited by barney
unlambda left the nest to github (diff)
19:03 LeaveTheNest edited by barney
Mention target up-all (diff)
16:51 Ticket #225 (make perl6 installable) closed by rurban
fixed: applied with r35997
16:48 Ticket #225 (make perl6 installable) created by rurban
part of rt #56554 make-install-lang.patch installable_perl6, though …
07:33 Ticket #219 (t/tools/pmc2cutils/04-dump_pmc.t, t/tools/pmc2cutils/05-gen_c.t: Test ...) closed by cotto
fixed: The same fix worked for the other failing test file. They're both passing …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.