
and .


23:02 Ticket #384 (pbc_dump -h should not fail on version mismatch) closed by rurban
fixed: applied with r37212.
21:13 Ticket #386 (Failure in t/dynpmc/foo.t if parrot directory has an extension) closed by allison
fixed: Patch applied in r37210. Thanks! Resolving this ticket. Allison
18:59 Ticket #391 (pdd22 doesn't mention the 'readall' method on FileHandle PMCs) closed by allison
fixed: It was added later for backward-compatibility with the old ParrotIO, so …
18:57 Ticket #357 (Enable meaningful testing of t/native_pbc/*.t) reopened by doughera
I have reopened this ticket because you have not addressed the main …
18:19 Ticket #407 (post-1.0 pbc reader policy) closed by allison
18:18 Ticket #408 ("Current development release" on download page lags behind) closed by allison
fixed: This is fixed for 0.9.1. Updating the aliases that point to the current …
14:15 Ticket #420 (Test failures and TODO passes with make fulltest on Ubuntu Intrepid i386 ...) created by mikehh
Following up on TT#417 and tt#419 by alison I did a build at r37197 …
13:45 SmolderTaskList edited by rurban
added myconfig and config_lib.pasm to report.tar.gz (diff)
13:45 SmolderTaskList edited by rurban
TT #396 (diff)
12:19 Ticket #416 (remove "Copyright" subversion property from files) closed by fperrad
done: Done in r37200. No script needed. Just a command : $ svn propdel …
09:55 Ticket #419 (test failures and passing todos on MacOS 10.5.6) created by allison
Preparing for the release: Test failures and passing todos on MacOS …
08:52 Ticket #418 (memmove segfault in I/O buffering) created by allison
Preparing for the release... t/pmc/io.t test 23 fails on x86/32 Ubuntu …
08:41 Ticket #417 (test failures on x86/64 Ubuntu 8.10) created by allison
Preparing for the release... In 'make fulltest', testb target. […]
05:03 Ticket #416 (remove "Copyright" subversion property from files) created by allison
Numerous files still have a subversion property named "Copyright" set to …
03:46 Ticket #415 (experimental ops safe to remove?) created by coke
The opcodes that are remaining in src/ops/experimental.ops are all marked …
03:31 Ticket #414 ([BUG] t/codingstd/c_cppcomments.t reports spurious error at hyperlinks) created by jkeenan
The c_cppcomments.t coding standards test is supposed to detect usage …
02:25 Ticket #413 ([TODO] config/auto/alignptrs.pm: inform user to use --64compat for parrot) created by jkeenan
This TODO statement is found within config/auto/alignptrs.pm: […] …


23:30 Ticket #412 (Failure of set_integer_keyed_str on linux AMD64) created by mikehh
I get a failure of set_integer_keyed_str BUT not when I configure with …
20:19 Languages edited by coke


20:10 Ticket #411 (RFC: Remove or fix SDL) created by coke
t/examples/catchall.t shows a lot of failures even trying to /compile/ the …
19:54 Ticket #410 (deprecated: exec op) closed by coke
19:54 Ticket #409 (deprecated: both gcd op variants) closed by coke
19:52 Ticket #410 (deprecated: exec op) created by coke
per allison on IRC
19:51 Ticket #409 (deprecated: both gcd op variants) created by coke
per allison on IRC
08:46 Ticket #408 ("Current development release" on download page lags behind) created by moritz
On  http://www.parrot.org/download the link "Current development release" …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.