
and .


19:45 Ticket #481 (some basic math ops are missing) created by bsdz
Some useful math operators are missing in Parrot. round() (known by same …
18:40 Ticket #403 ([PATCH] A number of tests need to be updated for the --runcore switch) closed by rg
02:45 ParrotBasedConfig edited by coke
02:26 ParrotBasedConfig edited by coke
02:25 ParrotBasedConfig created by coke
01:39 DocsTasklist created by coke
add a cage docs task.
01:36 WikiStart edited by coke
01:36 WikiStart edited by coke
01:13 Ticket #478 (t/examples/pod.t skips docs/books) closed by coke


23:29 Ticket #480 ([PATCH] Display assembly filenames when compiling, like C filenames are) created by wiml
A trivial tweak... On platforms with assembly helpers (eg asmfun.s on …
23:15 Ticket #479 (Segfaulting in PGE;Perl6Grammar;Compiler;compile ...) created by wiml
"make testj" has one segfaulting test on netbsd-ppc. I've narrowed it down …
21:02 Ticket #478 (t/examples/pod.t skips docs/books) created by coke
Because it was copied from t/codingstd/pod_syntax.t , this file currently …
20:40 Ticket #477 (generated HTML should respect "=begin PIR") created by coke
See  http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=41765 make html
20:14 Ticket #476 (Binaries should not contain rpath) created by JSchmitt
Unfortunately I have to find out, that the created binaries of parrot …
20:08 Ticket #475 (Could not build parrot-1.0.0 on ppc64) created by JSchmitt
Hallo, I have tried to build parrot on the koji build server. …
13:56 Deprecation edited by coke
document substr_r replacement. (diff)
13:39 Deprecation edited by coke
10:54 Ticket #474 ([PATCH] improved parrot.spec for SUSE) created by mvyskocil
I improved your spec file for SUSE (tested on openSUSE 11.2 Alpha, but …
07:46 Ticket #473 (Data Execution Prevention breaks "perl Configure.pl"; remove ...) created by davew
I have Data Execution Prevention enabled on Windows XP. When I run perl …
06:28 Ticket #314 (.HLL_map doesn't do what we want) closed by coke
fixed: Removed in r37586.
06:11 Ticket #472 (segfault when catching an exception from C) created by fperrad
since Parrot 0.8.0 (Exception refactor ?) Lua works fine when exception …


20:32 Ticket #471 ([PATCH] stops spawnw tests from running on Win9x) created by b2gills
Last time I tested Parrot on a Win9x machine, it would halt the system if …
18:14 Ticket #470 ([BUG] branch_cs opcode is buggy and unused) created by cotto
The branch_cs opcode causes a nice segfault when called with a random …
07:04 Ticket #372 (Remove the Slice PMC) closed by cotto
fixed: Ripley: I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the …
06:33 Ticket #447 ([CAGE] src/hash.c cleanup: fix functions taking a Hash** arg) closed by cotto
fixed: applied in r37543 with deprecation update in r37544.
02:29 Ticket #465 (Ensure hard link test in t/pmc/os.t uses a real file, not a symlink) closed by jkeenan
fixed: No complaints through the release day, so I'm resolving the ticket.
01:28 Languages edited by allison
01:27 Languages edited by allison
01:23 Languages edited by allison
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.