
and .


20:26 ParrotQuotes edited by moritz
19:52 WikiStart edited by allison
19:51 IOTasklist edited by allison
19:49 NamespaceTasklist created by allison
18:31 Ticket #489 (t/tools/ops2pm/*.t: Failures in 3 test files) reopened by coke
Per allison, renumbering in a 1.0 world is just fine; You may want to …
15:49 Deprecation edited by coke
15:45 Deprecation edited by coke
12:37 Ticket #543 (t/codingstd/copyright.t failing) created by coke
in r37939, cotto untodo'd a test. if I svn up to that revision and run the …
01:02 Ticket #519 ([PATCH] (almost) switch *ManagedStruct to ATTRs) closed by cotto
fixed: Thanks to tewk++ and his jit fix in r37897, the ManagedStruct family has …


23:41 Ticket #542 (Setting stdin to unbuffered doesn't seem to work.) created by Karatorian
If you run the following PIR code, it doesn't display the character you …
19:21 Ticket #541 (r37927 segfaults on building lua) created by protein_origami
I had this problem on parrot 1.0.0, and confirmed that I have the same …
15:58 Ticket #540 (installed versions of dynext/*.so still link to -lparrot in build ...) created by doughera
The installed *.so files in lib/parrot/<version>/dynext/ are linked to the …
00:30 Ticket #489 (t/tools/ops2pm/*.t: Failures in 3 test files) closed by jkeenan
fixed: These tests continue to pass on the two OSes to which I have access, and …


16:34 Ticket #539 (NQP does not autovivify "our @" but does for "my @") created by bsdz
When declaring a list using "my" NQP autovifies whereas with "our" it does …
16:29 Ticket #538 (NQP list initializers) created by bsdz
When a list is declared in NQP with only one element a scalar is created. …
13:36 Languages edited by fperrad
update location of Cardinal (diff)
06:48 Ticket #537 (Parrot::Interpreter - crash when calling new twice) created by szabgab
If I call Parrot::Interpreter->new twice in the same script it gives me a …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.