
and .


23:23 Ticket #837 ([DEPRECATED] NQP quoting rules going to be close to Perl6.) created by bacek
Hello. NQP "quoting" strings and regexps going to be close to Perl6. …
20:00 Ticket #836 ([DEPRECATED] ops file preamble format) created by cotto
The ops file format has some cruft in the form of the "VERSION = …
19:36 Ticket #835 (Crash when appending to subclasses of ResizablePMCArray) created by treed
I experience a SIGBUS while attempting to use the append method on …
17:47 Ticket #717 (parrot_config segfaults when invoked with the --dump option) closed by Util
fixed: Thanks to kid51++ for the reminder. The change in r39223 by NotFound …
13:55 Ticket #834 (exit opcode doesn't set process return value) created by pmichaud
The 'exit' opcode appears to not set the process return value: […] …
03:33 Ticket #460 ([TODO] remove deprecated built-in PGE rules) closed by pmichaud
fixed: Now completed in r40074. Pm


23:29 Ticket #807 (t/pmc/eval.t: freeze/thaw test not passing on OpenBSD/AMD 64) closed by rg
worksforme: I'm with darbelo++ on that. Closing ticket.
23:19 Ticket #786 (config step auto::gettext throws warnings on Darwin/PPC) closed by jkeenan
fixed: Replying to jkeenan: > > I'll leave this ticket open for a …
18:55 Ticket #833 (Exception from :init sub in PIR compreg causes problems) created by whiteknight
Actually, this is just one more example of the inferior runloops problem, …
15:34 Ticket #832 (segfault in _int_malloc) created by coke
With partcl (r526) running against parrot (r40039), the dict.test spec …
15:08 Ticket #831 (segfault in clone_key_arg) created by coke
With partcl (r526) running against parrot (r40039), the expr.test spec …


21:48 Ticket #830 ([PATCH] Configure.pl disable-rpath option) created by gerd
The disable-rpath option works fine in the file config/inter/libparrot.pm. …
15:27 Ticket #829 (r39993 breaks t/spec/S32-io/IO-Socket-INET.t on Rakudo) closed by pmichaud
invalid: Hmmm, never mind. As of r40017 it appears to be working again; I'm not …
15:14 Ticket #829 (r39993 breaks t/spec/S32-io/IO-Socket-INET.t on Rakudo) created by pmichaud
For some reason, r39993 (which was entered in response to TT #495) causes …
14:58 Ticket #828 (Separate out GC String Core) created by whiteknight
Parrot really has two separate GC mechanisms: the fixed-size pool …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.