- 23:46 Ticket #855 (config/init/defaults.pm: Profiling options are too specific to GCC) created by
- This ticket was created in …
- 19:55 Ticket #854 (config/inter/progs.pm: Figure out why -libpath: needs to be removed from ...) created by
- This ticket is being transferred from …
- 14:22 Ticket #853 (Can't load OpenGL) created by
- When I try to load OpenGL from Lua, I obtain the following error : […] …
- 04:17 Ticket #852 (Mark OpenGL subsystem as experimental) created by
- Parrot's OpenGL binding is incomplete (partly due to features it requires …
- 21:47 Ticket #594 (library distribution) closed by
- done: - PIR libraries are installed in: prefix/lib/versiondir/library (e.g. …
- 16:29 Ticket #851 ([DEPRECATED] .find_key method on PGE;Match objects) created by
- The "find_key" method on PGE;Match objects will be removed after 1.4.0. …
- 14:43 Ticket #850 (Handle loadlib and libraries with '.' in the name) created by
- This ticket originally appeared in RT on Sep 23 2005 as …
- 13:59 Ticket #849 (OS.pmc - update file times) created by
- This ticket formerly existed as …
- 13:49 Ticket #848 ('spawnw' return value: make it OS-independent) created by
- This ticket formerly existed as RT #36619. It was entered into RT by …
- 13:40 Ticket #847 (Interpreter - 'exec' and 'spawn' should split own args) created by
- This ticket formerly existed as …[…]
- 00:53 Ticket #841 (t/examples/namespace.t is failing) closed by
- fixed
- 22:34 Ticket #846 (Add 'testing' to Component pane in Trac) created by
- It would be good to have a selection called testing in the Component …
- 16:03 Ticket #844 ([PATCH] building Rakudo from an installed Parrot) closed by
- fixed: The Parrot Architect has already declared that the dynpmc.pl and …
- 14:47 Ticket #845 (separate tool for uploading to smolder) created by
- Instead of bundling the functionality of uploading a copy of the archived …
- 13:05 Ticket #844 ([PATCH] building Rakudo from an installed Parrot) created by
- The Rakudo build system use the scripts 'dynpmc.pl' and 'dynoplibs.pl'. So …
- 04:39 Ticket #843 (PGE will assume {*} at end of every regex) created by
- Per Synopsis 5, all regexes will have an implied {*} marker at the end of …
- 04:33 Ticket #842 ([DEPRECATED] NQP PIR q:to:...) created by
- The "PIR q:to:<foo>" form for adding inline PIR to NQP scripts is …
- 02:06 Ticket #40 (t/pmc/exceptions.t unexpectedly passes) closed by
- fixed: Replying to jkeenan: > > > Since this test is passing for me …
- 01:51 Ticket #694 (docs/dev/fhs.pod: Is this file still relevant?) closed by
- fixed: Removed in r40128. Closing ticket.
- 01:47 Ticket #841 (t/examples/namespace.t is failing) created by
- Observed on Linux/i386 -- but probably happening on other OSes as well. …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.