
and .


22:18 ParrotQuotes edited by cotto
blessed be the tie that binds (diff)
19:48 Ticket #895 (Towards automatic allocation and deallocation of PMC attributes) closed by NotFound
done: Branch has been merged to trunk and deleted. For any problems related to …
16:58 Milestone 1.5 completed
16:53 Ticket #702 (Remove stacks.c and stack-related ops) closed by whiteknight
16:29 WikiStart edited by whiteknight
12:25 Ticket #933 (building NQP on ppc stops with 'Segmentation fault') created by gerd
I tried to build the svn checkout r40613 on the PPC-architecture. Building …
06:20 Ticket #932 (Warnings in compiling bignum.pmc) created by dukeleto
[…] This happens with GMP 4.3.1, the latest current stable release.


12:49 Ticket #931 (Segfault on Win32 when loading multiple op libraries) closed by jonathan
fixed: Fixed by: r40606 | bacek++ | trunk/src/runcore/main.c: [cage] Don't reuse …
12:05 Ticket #931 (Segfault on Win32 when loading multiple op libraries) created by jonathan
Hi, On Win32 + MS VC++, the following segfaults: […] If I remove one …
03:41 Ticket #930 (build fails when sandbox path contains whitespace) created by duncand
Parrot's build configuration that generates the Makefile has a bug in it …


20:52 Ticket #925 (Dynops are not installed with "make install" nor "make install-dev") closed by dukeleto
fixed: This has been fixed as of r40598 and a patch has been submitted to the …
20:31 PIRCDevelopment edited by kjs
various updates (diff)
18:22 Ticket #929 (Remove redundant old_blocks delcaration in compilers/imcc/pbc.c) created by eirik
compilers/imcc/pbc.c has two old_blocks declarations. The function is only …
17:48 Ticket #928 (Probable edge-condition bug in PBC file generation) created by Austin_Hastings
For some time now (weeks), I've been dealing with an intermittent bug …
17:37 Ticket #927 (Out of date documentation in src/gc/api.c after file renames.) closed by dukeleto
17:33 git-svn-tutorial edited by dukeleto
17:08 Ticket #927 (Out of date documentation in src/gc/api.c after file renames.) created by eirik
gc_ims.c and gc_gms.c has been renamed to incremental_ms.c and …
07:55 Ticket #101 ([test] add parrot_utils tests) closed by dukeleto
done: As of r40585 we have basic decent test coverage of pbc_disassemble and …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.