- 21:45 Ticket #1095 ([PATCH] un-TODO unconditionally some tests in t/op/io.t) reopened by
- New patch just applied for reconsideration.
- 16:51 Ticket #1193 (Setting PMC to NULL STRING) created by
- Today I found a bug: this programs dies with an assertion failure in a …
- 05:41 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 04:39 Ticket #1183 (dies_ok() for Test::More) closed by
- done: Nice patch, keep 'em comin!
- 20:12 Ticket #1192 ([RFE] Redesign Parrot NCI callback functionality) created by
- This is a migration of RT #50360; original text follows: Parrot's NCI …
- 20:06 Deprecation edited by
- (diff)
- 20:04 Deprecation edited by
- (diff)
- 19:11 PCCMigrationNotes created by
- 16:57 Ticket #1191 (Deprecate Parrot_get_runtime_prefix) created by
- The function Parrot_get_runtime_prefix returns a char *, which is …
- 16:01 Ticket #1190 (Replace .globalconst/.const directives by .const/.localconst ...) created by
- This ticket replaces RT57634. hi, in PIR you can use the .globalconst …
- 03:32 JITRewrite edited by
- (diff)
- 03:28 JITRewrite edited by
- add note about frame builder (diff)
- 03:15 JITRewrite edited by
- put tasks at the top (diff)
- 02:32 Ticket #1189 (t/steps/*/*.t: Replace reliance on init::defaults) created by
- This ticket moves to Trac discussion of issues found in several tickets in …
- 00:50 Ticket #1188 ([RFC] Modify build directories to more closely match the install ...) created by
- To simplify building a language from a build tree or install tree, change …
- 00:00 Ticket #1187 (t/src/warnings fails test 2 on optimized build with Ubuntu 9.10 amd64) created by
- At r42229 on Ubuntu 9.10 amd64 I get an error in t/src/warnings.t smolder …
- 19:57 Ticket #1186 ([PATCH] convert t/op/00ff-unix.t to PIR) created by
- I converted t/op/00ff-unix.t to PIR. As I understand the test, we want to …
- 19:50 Ticket #1185 ([PATCH] attempted to rewrite t/op/00ff-dos.t in PIR) created by
- I rewrote t/op/00ff-dos.t to cut my teeth on some PIR. Unfortunately the …
- 19:26 Ticket #1184 ([PATCH] fix trailing white space on src/pmc/multisub.pmc) closed by
- fixed: Applied the patch in r42229, resolving ticket as fixed.
- 19:08 Ticket #1184 ([PATCH] fix trailing white space on src/pmc/multisub.pmc) created by
- src/pmc/multisub.pmc fails t/codingstd/trailing_space.t and this patch …
- 19:02 Ticket #1183 (dies_ok() for Test::More) created by
- dukeleto asked for a corresponding dies_ok() on #1169 and so here it is. …
- 18:22 Ticket #1182 (Add 'long long' to types supported by NCI) created by
- This is a migration of RT #53406; original request as follows: At least …
- 18:12 Ticket #1167 (some new types not handled by gen::opengl step) closed by
- fixed: Patch applied verbatim, thanks fperrad++!
- 17:34 WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 15:34 Ticket #1134 (Extremely weird stack trace produced my Parrot when allocating things in a ...) closed by
- fixed
- 14:29 Ticket #1181 (make cover doesn't show coverage of *.ops files.) created by
- e.g.: …
- 08:07 Ticket #1180 (examples/nci/ls.pir prints only lines with one character each) created by
- Currently (r42217) examples/nci/ls.pir gives a weird output, at most one …
- 05:28 Ticket #1179 (Test open file, close file, delete file, reopen previously opened stream) created by
- This was RT#46827: [TODO] [Pir] Test open file, close file, delete file, …
- 05:24 Ticket #1178 (Test get_fd in t/pmc/parrotio.t) created by
- This was RT#46843: [TODO] [Pir] Test get_fd in t/pmc/parrotio.t In …
- 05:22 Ticket #1177 (test buffer_size in t/pmc/parrotio.t) created by
- This was RT#46841: [TODO] [Pir] Test buffer_size in t/pmc/parrotio.t In …
- 03:32 Ticket #1176 (Configure-time check for whether to use powl() or pow(), since powl() is ...) created by
- This site lists powl() as an optional POSIX extension: …
- 03:04 Ticket #1175 (Get external Perl5 modules out of the parrot repo) created by
- I am moving into the Trac system …
- 02:48 StringsTasklist edited by
- (diff)
- 02:34 StringsTasklist edited by
- (diff)
- 02:29 StringsTasklist edited by
- (diff)
- 02:19 Ticket #1174 (Disallow .local declarations in long-style call statement) created by
- the current implementation for PIR allows one to declare .locals in a …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.