
and .


23:27 Ticket #1408 (manifest_tests failures introduced at r43406) created by mikehh
manifest_tests FAIL after r43406 in two tests/subtests: […] …
22:15 WikiStart edited by cotto
clean up some spam (diff)
21:58 WikiStart edited by susieb
21:19 WikiStart edited by DurfWerzel
02:11 AllisonTasklist edited by allison
02:07 Ticket #1407 ([DEPRECATED] CPointer and CPointer-style return argument handling) created by allison
The CPointer PMC is deprecated. All use of CPointers to save a pointer to …
02:00 Ticket #1406 (get_results opcode used to fetch exception object) created by allison
The get_results opcode will no longer be used to fetch the exception …
01:38 Ticket #1405 (get_results opcode before call) created by allison
The get_results opcode will no longer be called before the invoke …


14:06 Ticket #1404 ([PATCH] eliminate ambiguous term PIR book, chapter 3) closed by coke
06:24 Ticket #1404 ([PATCH] eliminate ambiguous term PIR book, chapter 3) created by aardvark
The word "otherwise" is ambiguous; the phrase could be understood as …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.