
and .


22:31 CFunctionDocs edited by mikehh
removed passing test - now at r43473 (diff)
22:25 MissingCFunctionDocs edited by mikehh
correct some pasting errors and remove fixed src/nci_test.c (at r43473) (diff)
15:32 WikiStart edited by mikehh
15:31 CFunctionDocs created by mikehh
15:20 BoilerplateOnlyDocs created by mikehh
report as at r43470 (to be modified as necessary)
15:06 MissingCFunctionDocs created by mikehh
report as at r43470 (to be modified as necessary)


20:02 Ticket #1411 ([BUG] configure problem on the arm architecture) closed by gerd
fixed: The patch added at  http://trac.parrot.org/parrot/changeset/43468 fix it.
04:01 Ticket #1411 ([BUG] configure problem on the arm architecture) created by gerd
With the Fedora Build System I tried to build Parrot on the ARM …
03:46 Ticket #396 (32/64-bit cpu in smolder report) reopened by jkeenan
This ticket appears to have been closed by a spammer. The issues …
03:42 Ticket #886 ([patch]various consting, memory leak fixes and so on.) closed by jkeenan
fixed: Replying to jkeenan: In the last three days Ron Blasch++ has …
02:56 Ticket #473 (Data Execution Prevention breaks "perl Configure.pl"; remove ...) closed by jkeenan
fixed: Replying to jkeenan: > I will keep the ticket open for …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.