
and .


01:48 Ticket #606 (prune c data structures) closed by chromatic
invalid: This ticket is too vague. Rejecting in favor of specific tickets.
01:47 Ticket #603 (documentation sprint) closed by chromatic
fixed: We did some of this. If we have specific documentation needs, we should …
01:46 Ticket #602 (testing sprint (especially opcodes)) closed by chromatic
fixed: We did some of this for 2.0. If we have any specific testing needs, we …
01:45 Ticket #451 (Anticipated changes to bytecode) closed by chromatic
invalid: 2.0 is out. Anything we didn't do here needs a new ticket.
01:31 WikiStart edited by chromatic


19:47 Languages edited by fperrad
update Parrot version 2.0.0 (diff)
18:51 BuildTaskList edited by coke
18:36 BuildTaskList edited by coke
18:15 BuildTaskList edited by coke
18:12 BuildTaskList edited by coke
14:03 BuildTaskList edited by coke
02:14 BuildTaskList edited by coke
02:10 BuildTaskList created by coke
01:50 WikiStart edited by coke
01:50 WikiStart edited by coke
00:23 Ticket #433 (read on null PMC throws exception - /some crazy exception/ ?) closed by plobsing
fixed: This operation now throws "Attempt to read from null or invalid PMC" which …


00:07 Ticket #1412 (Remove 'running-make-test') created by jkeenan
In the course of a #parrot discussion today of a test failure reported by …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.