
and .


23:46 Ticket #1475 ([Pmc2c] make METHOD and MULTI consistent in terms of how PCC is done) created by plobsing
Currently, pmc2c generates the boilerplate to do PCC stuff in methods. …
23:42 Ticket #1039 (MMD bug in FixedPMCArray.sort) closed by plobsing
fixed: This is now printing: […] Seems that someone has already fixed this. …
23:08 JITRewrite edited by allison
22:27 Modules edited by fperrad
add parrot-MT19937 (diff)
19:28 Ticket #1474 (runtime/parrot/library/config.pir refers to long dead "None" PMC.) created by coke
the docs need to be updated to match whatever the current reality is.
16:31 Modules edited by darbelo
Change the digest-dynpmcs url to point to fperrad's repo. (diff)
13:53 BranchDescriptions edited by coke
rerun script. (diff)
12:20 Ticket #1473 (Handle PMC type is broken) created by Austin_Hastings
Despite being an abstract class, there are reasons to talk to the Handle …
03:18 Ticket #687 (compilers/imcc missing dependencies) closed by coke
fixed: This works in r44285.
02:53 Ticket #785 ("hello world" nqp fails when run with installed parrot) closed by coke
worksforme: I can't duplicate this with trunk (2.1.0+)
02:10 ParrotQuotes edited by bacek
p6object demystified by Austin and NotFound (diff)


19:40 Ticket #1472 (Namespace.get_pointer_keyed is TOTAL KLUDGE) created by whiteknight
Namespace PMC contains this gem of a comment: […] Why is it a kludge, …


20:53 Parrot Dictionary edited by Austin_Hastings
11:04 Migrating to NQPrx edited by Austin_Hastings
Added note about integer indexing (diff)
02:29 Ticket #362 (optimize freeze_size) closed by plobsing
done: The recently merged tt362 branch has a new pmc, ImageIOSize, that returns …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.