- 20:52 Ticket #1484 (Number of errors reported by "prove" too high) created by
- In its summary, prove double-counts the errors during the tests, leading …
- 18:31 Ticket #1483 (optimization for mixed_cs_index) created by
- The attached patch speeds up mixed_cs_index by calculating the codepoint …
- 15:48 Ticket #1482 (index op failure) closed by
- fixed: Fixed in r44496; The mixed_cs_index function had two iterators, one for …
- 15:12 Ticket #1482 (index op failure) created by
- The index op seems to fail when certain unicode strings are used: […] …
- 02:51 LoritoPrimitives edited by
- fill in some more descriptions, remove Lorito name field (diff)
- 02:30 ParrotQuotes edited by
- whiteknight takes things a bit too far (diff)
- 02:25 Ticket #1481 (P6metaclass.register does not catch second registration of PMC Class) created by
- Registering a PMC class works. Registering the same class a second time …
- 00:27 LoritoPrimitives edited by
- add min: and max: (diff)
- 23:34 LoritoPrimitives edited by
- add some of the simpler smalltalk operations (diff)
- 10:36 Ticket #1480 (Preprocessing using parrot -E fails) created by
- In revision 44472 preprocessing fails $ echo ".HLL 'test1'" | ./parrot -E …
- 00:15 Ticket #1479 (Improve random-ness of Parrot_range_rand) created by
- Parrot_range_rand(min, max, ignored) returns a number between min and max, …
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