
and .


21:45 Ticket #1536 (Remove History and Maintainer sections from PDD's (mostly drafts)) created by dukeleto
Some PDD's (mostly drafts) still have History and Maintainer sections, …
21:02 Ticket #1489 (memory PANIC building rakudo) closed by coke
fixed: This no longer occurs, after recent memory leak fixes in parrot.
18:38 Ticket #1535 (trac+git demo site) created by cotto
The largest obstacle preventing the migration from svn to Git is the lack …
17:14 Ticket #1430 (Change trace offset numbers to hex format) closed by NotFound
done: Done in r45324
17:13 TestingProfiling edited by cotto
16:50 Ticket #641 (Crash when loading PIR file) reopened by bubaflub
I'm still failing on a clean build on trunk (r45323). […] uname -a …
16:46 Ticket #1457 (remove --cxx option to Configure.pl) closed by bubaflub
fixed: modified_remove_cxx.diff applied in r45323
16:06 GitTransition edited by kthakore
16:05 GitTransition edited by kthakore
16:04 GitTransition edited by kthakore
05:52 FixingConstantSTRINGCaching created by chromatic
created page
05:44 FixingPIRVtableOverrides created by chromatic
initial creation
02:50 Ticket #941 (testing forward of new tickets to the mailing list) closed by coke
02:33 Ticket #641 (Crash when loading PIR file) closed by coke
fixed: This appears to be covered by the KEYLEN in compilers/imcc/pbc.c: […] …
01:54 Ticket #1534 (Remove svk developer support) created by coke
We no longer (to my knowledge) have any active svk developers (that niche …
01:51 Ticket #1451 (t/distro/file_metadata.t should not be run from distro tarball.) closed by coke
01:33 Ticket #487 ([CAGE] 'vtable method' needs to go away) closed by coke
fixed: Resolved in r45297.
01:30 Ticket #1533 (Typos and inaccuracies in documentation comments of string bitwise ...) closed by whiteknight
fixed: Applied in r45296. Thanks for the patch!
01:09 Ticket #1533 (Typos and inaccuracies in documentation comments of string bitwise ...) created by tcurtis
The documentation comment of Parrot_str_bitwise_and included a typo, and …
00:26 Ticket #1517 (Comparing Rational PMC to Integer PMC with == blows up) closed by coke


19:49 BuildWarnings edited by coke
19:14 Ticket #1291 (update make headerizer to work with PMCs too.) closed by coke
fixed: Andy++ recently enabled this in trunk.
16:48 BranchDescriptions edited by coke
rerun tools/dev/branch_status.pl (diff)
13:17 Ticket #1133 (MMD matching does not match 'scalar' with primitive types) closed by whiteknight
fixed: Fixed in r45274. I've added your test case above as proof.
12:18 Ticket #1497 (Expose 'meth_cache' attribute of class.pmc) closed by whiteknight
fixed: The test I committed in r45272 does satisfy the spirit of the test case …
00:59 Ticket #1473 (Handle PMC type is broken) closed by whiteknight
fixed: Fixed in r45261.
00:50 Ticket #1249 (t/pmc/threads.t: Thread types tests need rework) closed by jkeenan
fixed: Replying to Infinoid: > > Since that's still a valid …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.