
and .


23:10 Ticket #1641 (iseq does not support the same type of operands as the math operators) created by shockwave
# Within a method ... This doesn't work. […] # Error message: # …
19:47 Ticket #1640 (Method names that start with '@' are not recognized.) created by shockwave
Unless class methods cannot start with '@' (or just be named '@'), there …
12:29 LoritoRoadmap edited by jkeenan
12:25 LoritoRoadmap edited by jkeenan
12:23 Lorito edited by jkeenan
09:17 Ticket #1612 (parrot change between r46273 and r46316 cause Rakudo regression) closed by moritz
05:31 Ticket #1632 (segfault in Parrot_ImageIO_shift_string) closed by plobsing
fixed: fixed in r46646.
03:14 Ticket #1639 (StringHandle should be updated to use StringBuilder internally.) created by bacek
Hello. In immutable strings world current implementation of StringHandle …


23:19 WikiStart edited by jimmy
removed PMCUnionDeprecationTasklist, it's already done (diff)
23:17 WikiStart edited by jimmy
22:35 Ticket #629 (exception from :immediate sub bus errors.) closed by coke
fixed: It seems reasonable to me that there is no global state since the first …
22:31 Ticket #994 (Fix SVN properties for git-svn users) closed by coke
wontfix: Rejecting this ticket; we'll be even nicer to the git-svn people by moving …
14:12 Ticket #1638 (t/profiling/profiling.t fails on WinXP) created by whiteknight
I get this error message when trying to run t/profiling/profiling.t on my …
12:39 Ticket #1637 (experimental library: LWP, HTTP/Message, URI & URI::Escape) created by coke
04:53 Ticket #1636 (Functions need to be added to the embed/extend API headers) created by dukeleto
I get this when compiling PL/Parrot: […]
03:30 LoritoRoadmap edited by cotto
npq? *sigh* (diff)
02:50 LoritoRoadmap created by cotto
initial version, non-authoritative
00:55 Ticket #1635 (Runloop unrolling for exception handling) created by NotFound
The attached patch is a proof of concept implementation of a runloop …


23:37 Mscgen created by actown
Working example of mscgenplugin.
20:41 Ticket #1634 (segfault in Parrot_Class_init_pmc) created by coke
grab the latest rakudo. Build perl6; run this file: …
16:25 Ticket #1633 (CodeString PMC deprecated) created by coke
As a replacement for the .emit() functionality, instead use …
14:57 Ticket #1632 (segfault in Parrot_ImageIO_shift_string) created by coke
I just fixed partcl ( http://github.com/partcl/partcl) to compile again …
08:57 Ticket #1631 (Exception handler throwing exception in NQP-rx causes segfault) created by sorear
{ pir::die(""); CATCH { pir::die(""); } } The NQP-rx generated exception …
00:14 Ticket #1630 (null arguments automatically coerce to empty strings) created by pmichaud
While working on PCT and POST updates today, I ran into the following: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.