
and .


21:31 Ticket #1687 (make vim-install broken) created by kthakore


11:39 Ticket #1686 (Null PMC access in find_method('signature') using Digest/MD5 from rakudo) created by cosimo
I'm trying to use Parrot's Digest/MD5.pbc library from Rakudo. Here's …


23:03 Ticket #1685 (Fix for #389 broke examples/pir/make_hello_pbc.pir) created by bacek
Hello. Starting from r45827 examples/pir/make_hello_pbc.pir doesn't work …
13:30 Ticket #1684 (examples/pir/*.pir aren't executed during make fulltest.) created by bacek
E.g. examples/pir/make_hello_pbc.pir is broken for some time. (Make …
12:26 Ticket #1683 (Key clone and set_pmc are broken) created by NotFound
The VTABLEs clone and set_pmc in the Key PMC uses the function …
11:09 Ticket #1682 (VTABLE_substr is never used) created by NotFound
Checking code coverage I discovered that VTABLE_substr in the String PMC …
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