
and .


17:38 Ticket #1727 (Rationalize get/set opcodes) created by Austin
There are opcodes called: […] with (some) corresponding setters. The …


18:51 Ticket #1726 (Missing POD in .pmc files (and a couple of others)) created by mikehh
We recently completed an exercise whereby the coding standard test …
17:47 Ticket #1725 (tools/build/headerizer.pl: documentation is confusing) created by jkeenan
The POD for this program has two sections called NAME and two called …
13:15 Ticket #1724 (Add getprotobyname to Socket PMCs) created by ocharles
I couldn't see any implementation of getprotobyname which seems like a …
09:36 NewObjectModel created by cotto
excerpts from #parrot
09:27 LoritoDesignQuestions edited by cotto
minor fixes (diff)
06:11 Ticket #1723 ([bug] linked lists result in segfaults) created by pmichaud
Creating a linked list of moderate size ultimately leads to a segfault …
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