
and .


21:38 Ticket #1616 (t/pmc/bigint.t: implement 2 todo-ed items: Minint conversions) closed by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
fixed: Changes have been committed in r48754 and r48755.
21:00 Ticket #1765 (Memory leak in allocate_interpreter) created by nwellnhof
20:33 Ticket #1764 (Infinite loop in exit handler) created by nwellnhof
[…] Running the PIR file directly works.
20:14 Ticket #1763 (Memory leak in PackFile_Annotations_new) created by nwellnhof
20:10 Ticket #1762 (Memory leak in Parrot_find_method_with_cache) created by nwellnhof
18:04 Ticket #1761 (Inconsistent release tags) created by dasx
As I was trying to diagnose when a given module, data_json, had come on …
00:57 Ticket #29 (Add more files to the tutorial) closed by cotto
invalid: I agree with jkeenan and pmichaud and will close this ticket now.
00:55 Ticket #43 (auto-headerize PIRC sources) closed by cotto
fixed: pirc is full headerized now and doesn't need any post-headerization …


19:19 Ticket #1746 (A way to get Rakudo to segfault) closed by moritz
fixed: The patch to rakudo was applied as …
15:51 Ticket #1760 (Spurious newline in version string) closed by cotto
fixed: I applied the patch in r48736 (though with an incorrect tt number). …
04:24 Ticket #1721 (parrot version numbers in oplib) closed by cotto
fixed: I added such a test in r48731 so I'll make this ticket closed.
01:55 Ticket #677 (Which tools/*/*.pl programs belong in which tools/* directory?) closed by jkeenan
fixed: No complaints in 3 days. Closing ticket.
00:29 Ticket #1741 (Macro abstraction for hash iterations) closed by cotto
fixed: luben says that all the important code is in trunk, so I'm marking this as …


21:17 Ticket #1245 (src/pmc/integer.pmc: Check overflow for -maxint in absolute()) closed by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
duplicate: This is the same problem as reported in …
19:01 TracSpammers edited by particle
16:46 Ticket #1760 (Spurious newline in version string) created by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
When I run the tests on my Windows XP machine, I get the following error: …
04:52 Ticket #1014 (NQP: Add defined(), exists(), undef.) closed by jimmy
wontfix: Please use NQP-rx.
01:38 Ticket #481 (some basic math ops are missing) closed by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
fixed: Thanks to cotto for applying this patch in r48564.
01:18 Ticket #1207 (Non-existent lexical throws exception) closed by Paul C. Anagnostopoulos
00:29 Ticket #684 (pgegrep needs tests) closed by jkeenan
fixed: dukeleto provided what was needed for this ticket last year: […] …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.