
and .


22:36 Ticket #1934 (Some Python programs added to tools/dev) created by mikehh
Two Python programs have been added to tools/dev: gdb-pp.py and …
18:41 Ticket #1933 (stat opcode causes program crash on Win32 with invalid file descriptor) created by whiteknight
The test file t/dynoplibs/io.t has a few tests for the dynop stat_i_i_i …
17:13 WikiStart edited by whiteknight
17:07 BuildTaskList edited by coke
remove stuff that's done, clean up what's left a bit. (diff)
12:36 Ticket #731 (can't tell if an OS file is executable from parrot) reopened by coke
11:14 Ticket #1932 (rakudo on parrot RELEASE_2_11_0-656-g27c0799 executes main body twice) created by moritz
[…] likewise all test files confuse the test harness. This didn't …
02:39 WikiStart edited by whiteknight
02:34 Ticket #1931 ([DEPRECATED] advanced NCI parameter types) created by plobsing
Several NCI parameter types which have complex functionality are …
02:34 ParrotHackList edited by whiteknight
REmoved a hack in PCC (diff)
02:08 WikiStart edited by whiteknight
Move the smolder tasklist in with the rest of the tasklists. Other stuff (diff)
01:08 WikiStart edited by whiteknight
Start rearranging tasklist pages by their relevance and current state. We … (diff)
00:45 NamespaceTasklist edited by whiteknight
+some more task ideas (diff)
00:04 Ticket #731 (can't tell if an OS file is executable from parrot) closed by whiteknight
fixed: This has been merged with tests. Closing ticket.


23:58 Ticket #1028 (can't iterate a dynlexpad) closed by whiteknight
fixed: this branch has been merged and the tests for it have been unskipped. I'm …
23:05 Ticket #1908 (Create new testing target: 'make test' + more) closed by jkeenan
fixed: Since there have been no complaints, and since it's now Tuesday in some …
19:53 Ticket #1930 (t/op/number.t: one test fails under --optimize on Darwin/PPC) created by jkeenan
Configuring with: […] on Darwin/PPC, I got the following test failure, …
10:45 Ticket #1704 (Implicit selection of main sub is deprecated.) reopened by fperrad
That breaks plumage which is written only in NQP (see …
03:06 Ticket #1929 (incorrect null-return from method calls) created by plobsing
Calling a method expecting one return value when the method returns none …
02:14 Ticket #1928 (get_bool function of Rational dynpmc) created by rfw
The Rational dynpmc is checked for truthfulness like so: […] This …
00:43 Ticket #1900 (Change names of 'make' coverage targets) closed by jkeenan
fixed: These names have been changed again since I completed this work, so …


18:58 Ticket #1924 (Incorrect use of is function in PIR tests raises misleading error) closed by nwellnhof
fixed: Fixed in d4f23c7. […]
18:56 Ticket #1918 (Remove share and share_ro VTABLEs) closed by nwellnhof
duplicate: These vtables are used exclusively for threads, so this is basically a …
17:34 Ticket #1704 (Implicit selection of main sub is deprecated.) closed by plobsing
done: Completed in cbaad37.
14:29 Ticket #1927 (Parrot doesn't build with spaces in directory name) created by whiteknight
I just tried building a fresh checkout of Parrot on Win32 in a directory …
06:41 Ticket #1926 (continuation method of Continuation PMC) created by rfw
Looking at the Continuation PMC, there is a method called continuation
05:18 ParrotQuotes edited by cotto
02:35 Ticket #1925 (remove config step auto::jit) created by coke
00:58 Ticket #1924 (Incorrect use of is function in PIR tests raises misleading error) created by rfw
When attempting to compare two non-Number values with the is function in …
00:34 Ticket #1923 (Filehandle PMC clone VTABLE does not work) closed by Yuki`N
fixed: This was pulled …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.