
and .


23:32 Ticket #2095 (t/op/spawn.t: failure due to Perl 5 problem) created by jkeenan
On a linux/i386 box to which I have some access, I try to test Parrot as …
18:17 Ticket #2094 (ResizablePMCArray doesn't respond to the defined_keyed() VTABLE via the ...) created by dukeleto


21:28 Ticket #2088 (strange error in t/examples/pod.t) closed by cotto
fixed: This happens because the example code writes to stdout in an :immediate …
19:41 Ticket #2091 (t/op/gc-leaky-box.t, t/op/gc-leaky-call.t: new test failures) closed by jkeenan
fixed: make op_tests now passes for me on the other Linux box described above. …
19:17 Ticket #1215 (Factor out Duplicated Code in vivify/fetch opcodes) closed by cotto
fixed: Thanks. I applied the attached patch as 91bd7c3.
18:39 Ticket #2093 (Remove :base_core modifier from *.ops files) created by soh_cah_toa
I've noticed that the :base_core modifier only appears in the *.ops …
01:39 Ticket #2089 (LLVM cflags prevent debug builds) closed by jkeenan
01:31 Ticket #2092 (config/auto/llvm.pm: Offer explicit optout) created by jkeenan
As recommended by plobsing in TT #2089: […] I will try to get to this.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.