
and .


20:36 ParrotTalks edited by cotto
add OSBridge talk (diff)
19:25 Ticket #2099 (Automate more of the release manager process) created by dukeleto
This ticket is to keep track of a general push towards automating many of …
00:21 Milestone 3.3 completed
00:21 Milestone 3.2 completed
00:21 Milestone 3.1 completed
00:20 Milestone 3.0 completed


18:35 Ticket #2098 (t/src/extend_vtable.t: test failures on Darwin/PPC with --gc=ms2) created by jkeenan
As reported in TT #2097, Parrot does not currently build for me on …
17:26 Ticket #2097 (darwin/ppc build failure once gms is default GC) created by jkeenan
make now fails to complete on Darwin/PPC -- where now means: now …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.