
and .


18:09 Ticket #2161 (Whitespace confusion in PCT docs) created by whiteknight
From writtencode on IRC: […]
14:16 Ticket #1640 (Method names that start with '@' are not recognized.) closed by Felipe
fixed: Fixed in …


22:17 Ticket #2160 (.git doesn't imply git executable) created by coke
On windows, I have "git bash" and "visual studio command shell", and …
22:15 Ticket #2159 (OpenBSD 4.9/i386 segfaults (fwd)) closed by coke
fixed: My windows build is happy with it. Closing ticket. Thanks again.
20:50 Ticket #2159 (OpenBSD 4.9/i386 segfaults (fwd)) created by Andrew Dougherty <doughera@…>
12:56 Ticket #1919 (Removal of dead functions in src/packfile/api.c) closed by whiteknight
fixed: This ticket is closable, we're not going to remove functions which are …
05:52 Milestone 3.4 completed
03:41 Languages edited by soh_cah_toa
Added a small paragraph about Plumage and a link to its wiki. (diff)
03:38 GettingStartedWithPlumage edited by soh_cah_toa
Added a few examples, fixed some grammar mistakes, and further elaborated … (diff)


23:07 Ticket #2158 (Appending error messages to IMCC error_message) created by Felipe
By reading the TODO comment in IMCC_warning() function I noticed that is …
15:51 Ticket #2157 (FileHandles aren't flushed and closed on program exit) created by pmichaud
From discussion in parrot-dev, FileHandles are not automatically flushed …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.