Version 3 (modified by whiteknight, 11 years ago) |
This page is going to talk about steps involved in fixing the Parrot API.
Function Renaming
All API functions should be renamed Parrot_<subsys>_<funcname>. Where <subsys> will be one of these two- or three-letter codes:
- gc: Garbage collector (in src/gc/*)
- ex: Exceptions
- pmc: PMC system
- oo: Object system
- io: IO system (in src/io/*)
- str: String system (in src/string/*)
- pcc: calling conventions (in src/call/*)
- int: Parrot interpreter (in src/interp/*)
- pf: Packfiles (in src/packfile/*)
- rc: Runcores (in src/runcore/*)
- jit: Just In Time compiler (in src/jit/*)
- ext: Extending
- api: Embedding API (in src/embed/*)
- hll: High Level Languages
- mmd: multiple dispatch
- nci: native call interface
- cx: concurrency scheduler
- thr: Parrot threads
File Moving
Some files from src/* need to be moved into subdirectories and broken up into separate systems. For example, System "Foo" needs to be moved to /src/foo/*, where src/foo/api.c is the main public interface to the subsystem, src/foo/foo_private.h is the private header file for the subsystem, and other files are named src/foo/foo_*.c. Big files in src/* have priority for moving and breaking up into multiple files. Here are a list of some of the biggest (> 50kb) source files in src/:
- debug.c
- jit.c
- list.c
- packfile.c (could be moved together with packdump.c and packout.c)
- pmc_freeze.c
- thread.c