Version 18 (modified by bacek, 13 years ago)

Remove tt452_reduce_mmd branch

You can generate this report yourself by running tools/dev/ from the repository.

|        branch: gc_options_remove                                   |
|     revisions: r38108:38109                                        |
|       creator: jkeenan                                             |
|       authors: jkeenan                                             |
|    created on: 2009-04-15T01:58:17.010760Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-04-15T02:16:47.111273Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 2                                                   |
|   initial log: Create branch to work on                            |
|                |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: gsoc_pdd09                                          |
|     revisions: r27765:34092                                        |
|       creator: Whiteknight                                         |
|       authors: Whiteknight [241], chromatic [8], rurban [1]        |
|    created on: 2008-05-23T14:46:32.800681Z                         |
|    updated on: 2008-12-19T01:35:50.416050Z                         |
|    components: GC, gsoc_pdd09, Rakudo, src, t                      |
|  # of commits: 250                                                 |
|   initial log: Creating branch for GSoC PDD09 garbage collector    |
|                work                                                |
|last merge log: [t] Added a file missing from a previous merge.     |
|                Now the MANIFEST check doesn't end Configure        |
|                prematurely.                                        |
|        branch: gut_registry                                        |
|     revisions: r34592:34592                                        |
|       creator: tewk                                                |
|       authors: tewk                                                |
|    created on: 2008-12-29T21:37:53.223375Z                         |
|    updated on: 2008-12-29T21:37:53.223375Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 1                                                   |
|   initial log: Gut the class registry :)                           |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: io_rewiring                                         |
|     revisions: r39194:39314                                        |
|       creator: whiteknight                                         |
|       authors: whiteknight [13], Infinoid [11]                     |
|    created on: 2009-05-27T12:59:13.491625Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-06-02T01:17:46.087900Z                         |
|    components: io, io_rewiring                                     |
|  # of commits: 24                                                  |
|   initial log: Creating a new branch to fix up the IO system       |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: isafast                                             |
|     revisions: r39306:39307                                        |
|       creator: pmichaud                                            |
|       authors: pmichaud                                            |
|    created on: 2009-06-01T19:21:29.977787Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-06-01T21:11:30.802860Z                         |
|    components: 'Proxy', core                                       |
|  # of commits: 2                                                   |
|   initial log: New branch to refactor/optimize VTABLE_isa_pmc.     |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: lazyrakudo                                          |
|     revisions: r30374:31009                                        |
|       creator: jonathan                                            |
|       authors: jonathan [17], tene [1]                             |
|    created on: 2008-08-20T10:30:35.960162Z                         |
|    updated on: 2008-09-12T02:48:10.423408Z                         |
|    components: rakudo                                              |
|  # of commits: 18                                                  |
|   initial log: [rakudo] Creating branch to start work on lazy      |
|                lists for Rakudo.                                   |
|last merge log: Merge branch 'master' into branch 'lazyrakudo'      |
|        branch: nci                                                 |
|     revisions: r11073:11219                                        |
|       creator: nickg                                               |
|       authors: nickg                                               |
|    created on: 2006-01-11T01:06:21.028889Z                         |
|    updated on: 2006-01-16T23:19:22.861486Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 16                                                  |
|   initial log: Revisit NCI code to see if we can support a few     |
|                backends. Creating a branch so that I don't cause   |
|                daily breakage.                                     |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: nsentry                                             |
|     revisions: r34227:34228                                        |
|       creator: tewk                                                |
|       authors: tewk                                                |
|    created on: 2008-12-22T04:36:41.378623Z                         |
|    updated on: 2008-12-22T04:41:44.122109Z                         |
|    components: nsentry                                             |
|  # of commits: 2                                                   |
|   initial log: Recreated nsentry branch                            |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: pbc_info_remove                                     |
|     revisions: r39188:39190                                        |
|       creator: jkeenan                                             |
|       authors: jkeenan                                             |
|    created on: 2009-05-27T02:09:36.753560Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-05-27T02:45:30.748610Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 2                                                   |
|   initial log: Create pbc_info_remove branch to work on            |
|                |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: pcc_rewiring                                        |
|     revisions: r37952:38240                                        |
|       creator: allison                                             |
|       authors: allison                                             |
|    created on: 2009-04-07T21:25:58.754528Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-04-20T23:56:39.703637Z                         |
|    components: pcc                                                 |
|  # of commits: 13                                                  |
|   initial log: Creating branch for refactoring calling             |
|                conventions, rewiring the internals of pcc          |
|                dispatch.                                           |
|last merge log: [pcc] Don't mark the PMC and String children of a   |
|                CPointer (have made this change before, but seems   |
|                it was never merged into trunk).                    |
|        branch: pdd09gc_part1                                       |
|     revisions: r34100:35362                                        |
|       creator: allison                                             |
|       authors: Whiteknight [14], allison [1], chromatic [1]        |
|    created on: 2008-12-19T06:58:30.378733Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-01-10T22:08:09.975918Z                         |
|    components: config, lisp, pdd09gc_part01, pdd09gc_part1, pirc,  |
|  # of commits: 16                                                  |
|   initial log: Creating a branch for the first round of GC         |
|                refactoring.                                        |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: pdd30_install                                       |
|     revisions: r31315:34351                                        |
|       creator: rurban                                              |
|       authors: rurban [12], coke [1]                               |
|    created on: 2008-09-21T14:25:18.617930Z                         |
|    updated on: 2008-12-25T18:37:06.917487Z                         |
|    components: cage, docs, install, languages, perl6, pipp, ports  |
|  # of commits: 13                                                  |
|   initial log: rename cygwin070patches branch to pdd30_install     |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: pdd30install_stage4                                 |
|     revisions: r35113:35217                                        |
|       creator: rurban                                              |
|       authors: rurban                                              |
|    created on: 2009-01-07T11:26:21.005052Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-01-08T18:21:50.932840Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 3                                                   |
|   initial log: Creating forth branch for ongoing 'make install'    |
|                work, at trunk r35106.                              |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: pmc_pct                                             |
|     revisions: r38287:38866                                        |
|       creator: bacek                                               |
|       authors: bacek [114], cotto [42]                             |
|    created on: 2009-04-24T10:21:38.416818Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-05-17T04:48:02.805673Z                         |
|    components: cage, grammar, nqp, pge, PMC, pmc, pmc_pct, pmcc,   |
|  # of commits: 156                                                 |
|   initial log: Experimental branch for PCT based PMC parser        |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: remove_new_from_string                              |
|     revisions: r30230:30232                                        |
|       creator: coke                                                |
|       authors: coke                                                |
|    created on: 2008-08-14T17:19:45.275897Z                         |
|    updated on: 2008-08-14T17:57:20.802588Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 2                                                   |
|   initial log: Create a branch for RT #47011, removing the VTABLE  |
|                entry 'new_from_string'                             |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: remove_pic                                          |
|     revisions: r34286:34401                                        |
|       creator: coke                                                |
|       authors: coke [5], allison [2]                               |
|    created on: 2008-12-23T20:56:05.001512Z                         |
|    updated on: 2008-12-26T23:35:41.183900Z                         |
|    components: remove_pic                                          |
|  # of commits: 7                                                   |
|   initial log: RT #60048. -  remove polymorphic inline cache.      |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: rep6object                                          |
|     revisions: r38506:38516                                        |
|       creator: jonathan                                            |
|       authors: jonathan                                            |
|    created on: 2009-05-06T18:12:02.833500Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-05-06T23:00:33.777235Z                         |
|    components: rep6object                                          |
|  # of commits: 4                                                   |
|   initial log: Create branch for refactoring P6object.             |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: strings                                             |
|     revisions: r35348:36070                                        |
|       creator: simon                                               |
|       authors: simon                                               |
|    created on: 2009-01-10T18:39:34.876664Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-01-27T22:57:17.207034Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 27                                                  |
|   initial log: Creating a branch to implement strings PDD          |
|last merge log: Merge from trunk                                    |
|        branch: tt24_unicode_numifications                          |
|     revisions: r39292:39300                                        |
|       creator: bacek                                               |
|       authors: bacek                                               |
|    created on: 2009-05-31T21:52:43.417062Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-05-31T23:32:10.468755Z                         |
|    components: core, t                                             |
|  # of commits: 9                                                   |
|   initial log: Branch for fixing unicode strings numification      |
|                issues                                              |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: vc9                                                 |
|     revisions: r34148:34155                                        |
|       creator: rblasch                                             |
|       authors: rblasch                                             |
|    created on: 2008-12-20T18:17:54.903915Z                         |
|    updated on: 2008-12-20T19:11:31.880324Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 5                                                   |
|   initial log: Visual C++ 9 port branch.                           |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |