Version 3 (modified by coke, 13 years ago) |
Any long lived branches should be listed here and link to the task or ticket that inspired them.
As of Mon Dec 8 23:03:00 CET 2008, here's the result of svn ls
- assign/
- bcanno/
- bundle-parrot/
- calling_conventions/
- exceptionmagic/
- gsoc_pdd09/
- lazyrakudo/
- nci/
- nsentry/
- pcthll/
- pdd22io_part2/ : See IOTasklist
- pdd28str_part1/
- pdd30_install/
- pdd30install_stage3/
- remove_new_from_string/
- rt59410/
- smoke/
- splint/
- tcif/
- testparrottest/
- unified_testing/
- vtable_self/