Version 31 (modified by coke, 12 years ago)


You can generate this report yourself by running tools/dev/ from the repository.

|        branch: boehm_gc_2                                          |
|     revisions: r43889:44463                                        |
|       creator: bacek                                               |
|       authors: bacek [54], chromatic [1]                           |
|    created on: 2010-02-11T12:23:49.900400Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-02-24T20:31:05.550362Z                         |
|    components: GC                                                  |
|  # of commits: 55                                                  |
|   initial log: Yet another attempt to bring Boehm GC into Parrot   |
|last merge log: Merge branch 'master' into boehm2                   |
|        branch: detect_llvm                                         |
|     revisions: r41745:41795                                        |
|       creator: jkeenan                                             |
|    created on: 2009-10-07T01:37:28.503005Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-10-10T15:25:53.971259Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 18                                                  |
|   initial log: Create branch to work on detection of LLVM.         |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: exceptions_refactor                                 |
|     revisions: r44391:44577                                        |
|       creator: tene                                                |
|    created on: 2010-02-23T16:05:28.562999Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-03-02T02:10:08.645324Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 6                                                   |
|   initial log: Create a branch for exceptions refactoring work.    |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: find_method_object                                  |
|     revisions: r44548:44551                                        |
|       creator: whiteknight                                         |
|    created on: 2010-02-28T13:38:31.082601Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-02-28T15:14:53.447190Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 3                                                   |
|   initial log: creating a branch to refactor the behavior of       |
|                Object.find_method. Most of that logic should be    |
|                moved to the Class PMC instead. Actually, much of   |
|                that logic already exists in Class.pmc, but isn't   |
|                used apparently.                                    |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: fix_hll_mmd                                         |
|     revisions: r44045:44045                                        |
|       creator: chromatic                                           |
|    created on: 2010-02-16T20:51:03.070184Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-02-16T20:51:03.070184Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 1                                                   |
|   initial log: Branch to fix HLL subclassing and MMD               |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: fix_icc_failures                                    |
|     revisions: r44593:44593                                        |
|       creator: whiteknight                                         |
|    created on: 2010-03-02T17:45:13.185210Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-03-02T17:45:13.185210Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 1                                                   |
|   initial log: creating a new branch to fix test failures with ICC |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: libjit_framebuilder2                                |
|     revisions: r43456:43540                                        |
|       creator: plobsing                                            |
|       authors: plobsing [8], jkeenan [2]                           |
|    created on: 2010-01-15T02:09:57.040260Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-01-23T01:22:07.743539Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 10                                                  |
|   initial log: creating a new branch to bring libjit_framebuilder  |
|                up to date with trunk                               |
|last merge log: merge from older libjit_framebuilder branch and     |
|                update to make it compile (but not much else)       |
|        branch: ops_pct                                             |
|     revisions: r39886:44755                                        |
|       creator: cotto                                               |
|       authors: bacek [146], cotto [32], mikehh [4]                 |
|    created on: 2009-07-05T03:00:54.334118Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-03-08T11:08:50.890969Z                         |
|    components: cage, MANIFEST, nqp, ops_pct, opsc, pmc, t          |
|  # of commits: 182                                                 |
|   initial log: [ops_pct] create a branch for the new PCT-based     |
|                ops compiler                                        |
|last merge log: Merge Trans.source_preamble with Trans.defines      |
|        branch: pcc_hackathon_6Mar10                                |
|     revisions: r44628:44744                                        |
|       creator: allison                                             |
|       authors: allison [15], whiteknight [3], chromatic [3],       |
|    created on: 2010-03-04T18:34:11.272881Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-03-07T20:08:19.405274Z                         |
|    components: IMCC, pcc, t                                        |
|  # of commits: 23                                                  |
|   initial log: Creating branch for PCC deprecation item to         |
|                reorder set_returns and get_results.                |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: pge_no_namespace_methods                            |
|     revisions: r43450:43530                                        |
|       creator: chromatic                                           |
|       authors: tene [9], chromatic [2]                             |
|    created on: 2010-01-14T08:06:31.931115Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-01-21T08:41:09.691697Z                         |
|    components: pge, src                                            |
|  # of commits: 11                                                  |
|   initial log: Branch to port PGE not to fetch methods directly    |
|                from NameSpaces                                     |
|last merge log: [src] Made fetching a method from a NameSpace       |
|                throw an exception.  This is a temporary patch to   |
|                help pmichaud and I revise PGE and TGE not to       |
|                fetch methods directly from namespaces.  When TT    |
|                #389 gets fixed, that won't work.  Remember not to  |
|                merge this commit back to trunk.                    |
|        branch: pirc_config                                         |
|     revisions: r43245:43246                                        |
|       creator: coke                                                |
|    created on: 2009-12-26T15:39:16.834971Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-12-26T15:42:34.636586Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 2                                                   |
|   initial log: branch for adding a --pirc option to   |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: pmc_i_ops                                           |
|     revisions: r39355:39482                                        |
|       creator: bacek                                               |
|    created on: 2009-06-03T12:12:12.195241Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-06-09T22:26:30.035752Z                         |
|    components: cage, pmc, pmc2c                                    |
|  # of commits: 18                                                  |
|   initial log: Branch to reduce amount of code by reusing i_op     |
|                from op                                             |
|last merge log: Merge branch 'master' into pmc_i_ops                |
|        branch: pmc_pct                                             |
|     revisions: r38287:39839                                        |
|       creator: bacek                                               |
|       authors: bacek [137], cotto [93]                             |
|    created on: 2009-04-24T10:21:38.416818Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-06-30T05:13:17.956197Z                         |
|    components: cage, codingstd, config, grammar, makefile,         |
|  # of commits: 230                                                 |
|   initial log: Experimental branch for PCT based PMC parser        |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: strings                                             |
|     revisions: r35348:36070                                        |
|       creator: simon                                               |
|    created on: 2009-01-10T18:39:34.876664Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-01-27T22:57:17.207034Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 27                                                  |
|   initial log: Creating a branch to implement strings PDD          |
|last merge log: Merge from trunk                                    |
|        branch: tt1015                                              |
|     revisions: r44752:44756                                        |
|       creator: plobsing                                            |
|    created on: 2010-03-08T01:38:08.607224Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-03-08T15:08:13.770680Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 2                                                   |
|   initial log: creating branch to attempt to solve TT #1015 using  |
|                recently cleaned visit system                       |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: tt1477                                              |
|     revisions: r44491:44605                                        |
|       creator: plobsing                                            |
|    created on: 2010-02-26T03:49:04.359759Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-03-03T14:24:39.548790Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 10                                                  |
|   initial log: creating branch to attempt solution to TT 1477      |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |
|        branch: tt389_fix                                           |
|     revisions: r43397:43608                                        |
|       creator: chromatic                                           |
|       authors: chromatic [9], tene [6]                             |
|    created on: 2010-01-06T21:38:05.486758Z                         |
|    updated on: 2010-01-26T20:48:02.842350Z                         |
|    components: json, lib, library, P6object, PCT, PGE, pge, PMC,   |
|  # of commits: 15                                                  |
|   initial log: Don't store :method subs in namespace               |
|last merge log: Merge the changes from pge_no_namespace_methods up  |
|                through r43523                                      |
|        branch: tt509_install_files                                 |
|     revisions: r40089:40840                                        |
|       creator: jkeenan                                             |
|    created on: 2009-07-14T23:17:12.207377Z                         |
|    updated on: 2009-08-28T14:55:34.285061Z                         |
|    components:                                                     |
|  # of commits: 2                                                   |
|   initial log: Creating tt509_install_files in                     |
|                    |
|last merge log: N/A                                                 |