Version 7 (modified by coke, 13 years ago)

add copy of report generated by one off perl script

Any long lived branches should be listed here and link to the task or ticket that inspired them.

Here's a simplistic report about the existing branches.

branch: assign
initial revision: r33627
creator: pmichaud
create date: 2008-12-07T18:40:43.083056Z
authors: pmichaud
components: pct, rakudo
last updated: 2008-12-09T06:22:50.438331Z
# of commits: 18
branch: bundle-parrot
initial revision: r20961
creator: particle
create date: 2007-08-31T17:50:03.776035Z
authors: particle
components: RELEASE, config
last updated: 2007-08-31T19:03:45.797170Z
# of commits: 3
branch: gc_options_remove
initial revision: r38108
creator: jkeenan
create date: 2009-04-15T01:58:17.010760Z
authors: jkeenan
last updated: 2009-04-15T02:16:47.111273Z
# of commits: 2
branch: gsoc_pdd09
initial revision: r27765
creator: Whiteknight
create date: 2008-05-23T14:46:32.800681Z
authors: Whiteknight, chromatic, rurban
components: GC, Rakudo, gsoc_pdd09, src, t
last updated: 2008-12-19T01:35:50.416050Z
# of commits: 250
last merge log: [t] Added a file missing from a previous merge.  Now the MANIFEST check doesn't
end Configure prematurely.

branch: gut_registry
initial revision: r34592
creator: tewk
create date: 2008-12-29T21:37:53.223375Z
authors: tewk
last updated: 2008-12-29T21:37:53.223375Z
# of commits: 1
branch: headercleanup
initial revision: r37946
creator: chromatic
create date: 2009-04-07T17:58:25.671833Z
authors: chromatic
components: config, headercleanup, runcore
last updated: 2009-04-21T21:28:29.296043Z
# of commits: 11
branch: install_tools
initial revision: r37309
creator: jkeenan
create date: 2009-03-11T12:22:58.902320Z
authors: jkeenan
last updated: 2009-04-25T19:53:50.320148Z
# of commits: 33
branch: lazyrakudo
initial revision: r30374
creator: jonathan
create date: 2008-08-20T10:30:35.960162Z
authors: jonathan, tene
components: rakudo
last updated: 2008-09-12T02:48:10.423408Z
# of commits: 18
last merge log: Merge branch 'master' into branch 'lazyrakudo'

branch: nci
initial revision: r11073
creator: nickg
create date: 2006-01-11T01:06:21.028889Z
authors: nickg
last updated: 2006-01-16T23:19:22.861486Z
# of commits: 16
branch: nsentry
initial revision: r34227
creator: tewk
create date: 2008-12-22T04:36:41.378623Z
authors: tewk
components: nsentry
last updated: 2008-12-22T04:41:44.122109Z
# of commits: 2
branch: p6strings
initial revision: r37837
creator: pmichaud
create date: 2009-04-01T15:50:15.647027Z
authors: pmichaud
components: YOUR CHARACTER NAME HERE, codestring, digits, pge
last updated: 2009-04-01T22:05:58.576228Z
# of commits: 6
branch: pcc_rewiring
initial revision: r37952
creator: allison
create date: 2009-04-07T21:25:58.754528Z
authors: allison
components: pcc
last updated: 2009-04-20T23:56:39.703637Z
# of commits: 13
last merge log: [pcc] Don't mark the PMC and String children of a CPointer (have made
this change before, but seems it was never merged into trunk).

branch: pct_hll
initial revision: r34605
creator: tene
create date: 2008-12-30T03:30:22.152736Z
authors: tene
components: APL, cardinal, lolcode, pct, pheme, pipp, pynie, rakudo
last updated: 2009-01-05T09:04:21.835458Z
# of commits: 16
branch: pdd09gc_part1
initial revision: r34100
creator: allison
create date: 2008-12-19T06:58:30.378733Z
authors: Whiteknight, allison, chromatic
components: config, lisp, pdd09gc_part01, pdd09gc_part1, pirc, rakudo, win32
last updated: 2009-01-10T22:08:09.975918Z
# of commits: 16
branch: pdd30_install
initial revision: r31315
creator: rurban
create date: 2008-09-21T14:25:18.617930Z
authors: coke, rurban
components: cage, docs, install, languages, perl6, pipp, ports
last updated: 2008-12-25T18:37:06.917487Z
# of commits: 13
branch: pdd30install_stage4
initial revision: r35113
creator: rurban
create date: 2009-01-07T11:26:21.005052Z
authors: rurban
last updated: 2009-01-08T18:21:50.932840Z
# of commits: 3
branch: pmc_pct
initial revision: r38287
creator: bacek
create date: 2009-04-24T10:21:38.416818Z
authors: bacek, cotto
components: PMC, cage, grammar, nqp, pmc, pmc_pct, t
last updated: 2009-05-02T06:12:52.683897Z
# of commits: 96
branch: rakudoreg
initial revision: r33841
creator: jonathan
create date: 2008-12-12T22:56:19.695779Z
authors: jonathan, pmichaud
components: rakudo
last updated: 2008-12-17T21:31:52.169748Z
# of commits: 15
last merge log: [rakudo] Some changes from trunk that somehow didn't make it to the last merge. This should mean the branch now passes all spectests, including the use ones, and that pre-compiled modules should work.
branch: remove_new_from_string
initial revision: r30230
creator: coke
create date: 2008-08-14T17:19:45.275897Z
authors: coke
last updated: 2008-08-14T17:57:20.802588Z
# of commits: 2
branch: remove_pic
initial revision: r34286
creator: coke
create date: 2008-12-23T20:56:05.001512Z
authors: allison, coke
components: remove_pic
last updated: 2008-12-26T23:35:41.183900Z
# of commits: 7
branch: rep6object
initial revision: r38506
creator: jonathan
create date: 2009-05-06T18:12:02.833500Z
authors: jonathan
last updated: 2009-05-06T18:12:02.833500Z
# of commits: 1
branch: report_hll_info
initial revision: r38072
creator: tene
create date: 2009-04-12T02:05:12.780003Z
authors: tene
components: exceptions
last updated: 2009-04-12T02:07:29.697413Z
# of commits: 2
branch: rvar
initial revision: r34459
creator: pmichaud
create date: 2008-12-28T01:09:39.643600Z
authors: jonathan, pmichaud
components: 0, oo, pct, rakudo
last updated: 2009-01-06T23:15:05.030218Z
# of commits: 76
branch: rvar2
initial revision: r35133
creator: pmichaud
create date: 2009-01-07T17:08:30.768491Z
authors: jonathan, particle, pmichaud
components: core, pct, pge, rakudo
last updated: 2009-01-09T14:54:50.625557Z
# of commits: 54
branch: splint
initial revision: r19585
creator: paultcochrane
create date: 2007-07-04T19:09:12.421958Z
authors: paultcochrane
components: config, include, src
last updated: 2007-07-10T09:54:07.177368Z
# of commits: 10
last merge log: Merged changes from trunk into splint branch (19727:19755)
branch: strings
initial revision: r35348
creator: simon
create date: 2009-01-10T18:39:34.876664Z
authors: simon
last updated: 2009-01-27T22:57:17.207034Z
# of commits: 27
last merge log: Merge from trunk
branch: vc9
initial revision: r34148
creator: rblasch
create date: 2008-12-20T18:17:54.903915Z
authors: rblasch
last updated: 2008-12-20T19:11:31.880324Z
# of commits: 5