Version 5 (modified by bacek, 12 years ago)

Change description slightly

Rought idea of GC rework

  1. Decouple GC from Memory Allocation (Remove all this Pool/Arena/Whatever)
  2. Made GC track GCable. (Without going through Pools to find if we need more memory/iterating headers/etc)
    1. Implement sweep-free GC. (And it will be much easy because GC track GCable already)
  3. Break API to make Parrot_gc_mark_PMC_alive to accept PMC**. (And probably rename it into gc_visit_pmc)
  4. Implement Compacting GC.
  5. Implement Generational GC on top of Compacting.
  6. "Optional" rename VTABLE_mark to VTABLE_gc_visit 'cause I want to reuse it in Compacting phase.
    1. Or try to reuse VTABLE_visit

Allocator API + PoolAllocator implementation. M&S/Incremental M&S/TriColour M&S/IncrementalTriColourM&S implementations.

# Current PObj.
class PObj {
    has $flags;

class PMC is PObj {
    method mark($gc) { ... }

class RPA is PMC {
    has @pmcs;

    method mark($gc) {
        $gc.mark_alive($_) for self.pmcs;

# GC don't care how this work. It just have to work _fast_.
class Allocator {
    has $object_size;

    method allocate() { ... };
    method free($obj) { ... };

    method Bool is_owned($obj) { ... };

class PoolAllocator {
    # 4KB page
    # We reuse storage to store index of next free object.
    # For detailed design see Alexandresku's SmallObjectAllocator
    # In the nutshell:
    # Initial content of $current_index, @objects is
    # 0 => [1, 2, 3, -1]
    # first alloc:
    # 1 => [*, 2, 3, -1]
    # second alloc:
    # 2 => [*, *, 3, -1]
    # free first object
    # 0 => [2, *, 3, -1]
    class Page {
        # fixed size header.
        my int $current_index;
        my int $object_size;
        my Page* $next_free_page;

        # Number of objects is (4096-sizeof(header))/$object_size;
        my @objects;

        method BUILD() {
            self.current_index := 0;
            # Initialize "linked list"
            for 0..+self.objects-1 -> $i {
                self.objects[$i] = $i+1;
            # Terminate list
            self.objects[*-1] := -1;

        method allocate() {
            # Use @objects as "linked list"
            my $res       = (void*)self.objects[self.current_index];
            self.current_index = (int)*$res;

        method free($obj) {
            # Get index of freed object
            my $index := ptr_diff($obj - @objects)/self.object_size;

            # Store current_index in it.
            self.objects[$index] = self.current_index;
            self.current_index   = $index;

        method is_full() { self.current_index < 0 };

    # Pool data
    # Sorted array of pages to use binary search for finding pointer.
    has @pages of Page;
    # Linked list to pages with free storage.
    has $current_page;

    has $object_size;

    method BUILD() {
        self.current_page = Page->new(self.object_size);

    method allocate() {
        # Invariant: current page always have space.
        my $res = self.current_page.allocate();

        # Allocate new page if it's filled
        if self.current_page.is_full {
            # Try to reuse old page
            my $page = self.current_page.next_free_page;
            if $page {
                self.current_page.next_free_page := NULL;
                self.current_page = $page;
            else {
                # We have to allocate new one.
                $page = Page->new(self.object_size);
                self.current_page = $page;

                # Use binary search to put $page into proper position.
                my $pos = lower_bound(self.pages, $page);
                self.pages.splice($pos+1, 0, 0, $page);

    method free($obj) {
        my $page = self.find_page($obj);
        # If page was full than put it on free list.
        my $put_in_free_list := !$page.is_full;


        if $put_in_free_list {
            $page.next_free_page = self.current_page;
            self.current_page    = $page;

    # Find page which holds $obj.
    method find_page($obj) {
        my $pos := lower_bound(self.pages, $obj);
        if ptr_diff(self.pages[$pos], $obj) < 4096 {
            return self.pages[$pos];
        return NULL;

    # Pool owns $obj if there is Page for it.
    method bool is_owned($obj) {
        self.find_page($obj) != NULL;

class GC {
    has $allocator;
    has $allocated_since_last_gc;
    has $allocations_between_gc;

    has @objects;

    method BUILD() {
        self.allocator =;

    method get_object() {
        if self.need_gc() {

        my $obj := self.allocator.allocate();

        return $obj;

    method need_gc() {
        ++self.allocated_since_last_gc >= self.allocations_between_gc;

    # Current GC schema.
    method do_gc() {
        # Mark phase
        self.mark_alive($_) for self.trace_roots();


    method is_pmc($void) {

    method trace_roots() {
        my @roots;
        for $system_areas -> $ptr {
            @roots.push($ptr) is self.is_pmc($void);

    method sweep() {
        # sweep phase
        for @objects -> $obj {
            if $obj.is_alive {
                $obj.is_alive := Bool::False;
            else {

        self.allocated_since_last_gc := 0;

    method mark_alive($obj) {
        return if $obj.is_alive;

        $obj.is_alive := Bool::True;

class IncrementalGC is GC {
    # Grey objects.
    has @working_set;
    has $do_marking;

    # Override need_gc
    method need_gc() {
        return Bool::False if self.do_marking;
        return self.SUPER.need_gc();

    method get_object() {
        self.mark_a_little_bit() if self.do_marking;

    method do_gc() {
        # "Mark" phase
        self.do_marking  := Bool::True;
        self.working_set := self.trace_roots();

    method mark_a_little_bit() {
        my $count := 0;
        for self.working_set -> $obj {
            return if $count++ > 10;

        self.do_marking := Bool::False;

    # Override GC.mark_alive
    method mark_alive($obj) {

    # Just redispatch to GC.mark_alive
    method real_mark($obj) {

# is non-recursive GC
class TriColourGC is GC {
    # Black (inherited from GC)
    # We need separate @live_list if we want to do it incremental
    # has @objects;

    # Grey
    has @grey_objects;
    # White during GC
    has @dead_objects;

    method do_gc() {
        self.dead_objects  = self.objects;
        self.objects       = ();

        self.grey_objects  = self.trace_roots();
        # mark_alive will push into self.grey_objects
        self.mark_real($_) for self.grey_objects;

        # Sweep
        for self.dead_objects -> $dead {

    method mark_alive($obj) {

    method mark_real($obj) {

# Non-recursive, tri-colour, incremental mark and sweep.
class IncrementalTriColourGC is GC {
    has @live_objects;  # Black
    has @grey_objects;  # Guess?
    has @dead_objects;  # White

    has $do_marking;    # We are in mark phase.
    has $do_sweeping;   # We are in sweep phase.

    method need_gc() {
        return Bool::False if self.do_marking || self.do_sweeping;
        return self.SUPER.need_gc();

    method get_object() {
        self.mark_a_little_bit() if self.do_marking;
        self.sweep_a_little_bit() if self.do_sweeping;

    method do_gc() {
        # Prepare mark phase
        self.do_marking    = Bool::True;
        self.do_sweeping   = Bool::False;
        self.dead_objects  = self.objects;
        self.objects       = ();

        self.grey_objects  = self.trace_roots();

    method mark_a_little_bit() {
        my $count = 0;
        while(my $obj = self.grey_objects.pop) {
            return if $count++ > 10;

        # Switch to incremental sweep.
        self.do_marking  = Bool::False;
        self.do_sweeping = Bool::True;

    method sweep_a_little_bit() {
        my $count = 0;
        while(my $dead = self.dead_objects.pop) {
            return if $count++ > 10;

        # self.objects can be updated at this point of time.
        # Add live_objects to objects to use on next GC round.

        # .grey_objects .dead_objects are empty now.
        # Back to normal life
        self.do_sweeping = Bool::False;

    method mark_alive($obj) {

    method mark_real($obj) {

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