Changes between Version 60 and Version 61 of GoogleCodeIn2010Tasks

11/06/10 16:11:37 (11 years ago)

+ create a website at


  • GoogleCodeIn2010Tasks

    v60 v61  
    77'''2. What are the goals of this contest?''' 
    9 Google Code-in (GCI) is intended to help students who may have wanted to get involved in open source but didn't know where to start. By working through the tasks suggested by organizations, contestants will be given the opportunity to engage with the open source community and get involved. The participating open source projects gain the benefit of additional contributions to their project, often in important areas that may get overlooked for whatever reason.   
     9Google Code-in (GCI) is intended to help students who may have wanted to get involved in open source but didn't know where to start. By working through the tasks suggested by organizations, contestants will be given the opportunity to engage with the open source community and get involved. The participating open source projects gain the benefit of additional contributions to their project, often in important areas that may get overlooked for whatever reason. 
    1111It is Google's not so secret hope that the student contestants of today will be long-term contributors to these and other open source projects in the future. 
    2222   6. Training: Tasks related to helping others learn more 
    2323   7. Translation: Tasks related to localization 
    24    8. User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction  
     24   8. User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction 
    2626== How to Write a Task == 
    3030 * Give it a descriptive title. 
    32  * Explain any acronyms or slang that an outsider would not know.  
     32 * Explain any acronyms or slang that an outsider would not know. 
    3434 * List potential mentors and give both a recommended and an optional background. 
    3636 * Also give an estimate for roughly how long this task should take. 
    3838 * Provide as many links and background information as possible. 
    6464Links: A list of links that should help the student start on this task. 
    66 Potential Mentor: The person we should list as the "owner" of the task, who will monitor student submissions and give the final sign-off. This should be either you or someone who you've talked to about taking this on.  
     66Potential Mentor: The person we should list as the "owner" of the task, who will monitor student submissions and give the final sign-off. This should be either you or someone who you've talked to about taking this on. 
    6868[ GNOME's How To Write a Good Task] 
    189189'''Details''': We would like a short paper (roughly 1000 words, with some charts/graphics) that compares and contrasts the Dalvik VM to Parrot VM, describing which characterists each shared, what things are different, how optimizations are done and which ideas Parrot can utilize from Dalvik. This paper should be in an open source format, and can take the form of a blog post or a POD file that can be included with the Parrot documentation or on the Parrot website. 
    191 '''Links''':  
    211211'''Details''': We would like a short paper (roughly 1000 words, with some charts/graphics) that compares and contrasts the Neko VM to Parrot VM, describing which characterists each shared, what things are different, how optimizations are done and which ideas Parrot can utilize from Neko. This paper should be in an open source format, and can take the form of a blog post or a POD file that can be included with the Parrot documentation or on the Parrot website. 
    213 '''Links''':  
    788788== Task : Increase test coverage of PMCs - This represents several tasks. == 
    798798PMCs according to test coverage: 
    800 29.4  multisub.pmc  
     80029.4  multisub.pmc 
    80180137.1  socket.pmc 
    80280245.5  role.pmc 
    80680667.9  eventhandler.pmc 
    80780771.1  undef.pmc 
    808 73.8  continuation.pmc   
     80873.8  continuation.pmc 
    80980976.0  complex.pmc 
    81081076.9  bigint.pmc 
    921921'''Potential Mentor''': Whiteknight 
     924== Task : Create a website for == 
     926'''Title''': Create a website for 
     928'''Category''': User Interface 
     930'''Difficulty''': easy 
     932'''Estimated time''': 4 hours 
     934'''Task description''': Consists of: 
     936    * Parrot has a website at Github, where Parrot's source code repository will be, allows creating websites on its servers for users and organizations. The Parrot organization could use such a website to help direct new visitors to other resources. 
     937    * The new website can be a simple, single-page site. It does not need to be fancy. 
     938    * The new site should contain links to common Parrot resources including Parrot's home page, the issue tracker, the souce code repository, the mailing lists, and online documentation. 
     940'''Benefits''': Users going to htp:// will be able to find the resources they are looking for without getting lost or confused. 
     942'''Requirements''': Basic understanding of the web. Prior experience with markup languages (especially HTML/CSS, but also Markdown, Textile, or others would be fine). Ability to use Git a plus. 
     946'''Potential Mentor''': Whiteknight 