On the second floor lobby at the Radisson Hotel on Falkoner Alle (a couple of blocks away from the YAPC::EU venue). There is wireless access available. (Any location changes will be noted on this wiki page and on the #hackathon IRC channel.)
Join us on irc.perl.org #parrot and irc.perl.org #hackathon.
What Are We Working On?
- Rakudo
- Pipp
- Task list for MMD branch.
Perl 5
- Adding Unicode support to a fast text parsing module.
Who Is In Attendance Saturday August 16?
In Copenhagen
- allison
- pmichaud
- smash
- bernhard
- cognomial
Who Is In Attendance Tuesday August 12?
(The Tuesday hackathon was located in the lobby at Hotel Centrum, 2 blocks south-west from the main train station (Kobenhavns H) on the corner of Istedgade and Helgolandsgade.)
In Copenhagen
- allison
- bernhard
- ovid
- aaron
- Abigail
- cognominal
- pmichaud
- jonathan
- Adam Kennedy
- Nicholas Clark
- Andrea
What Have We Achieved?
- Task list for MMD branch [pdd27mmd_tasklist]
- Updated the debian package configuration files, and generated the packages for Parrot 0.6.4.
- Numerous design and implementation discussions.