Version 15 (modified by gaurav, 13 years ago)

Filled up the table on gil

A number of languages targeting Parrot are in development. Some of them can be found in the Parrot tarball, in languages/. Others are being developed outside of Parrot.

If you make any changes to this table, please update languages/LANGUAGES_STATUS.pod as well.

NameVersionLanguageWritten inBuilds againstPassing testsCompletenessDevelopment
APL APLPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel166/166 (100%)?Inactive
BASIC2.0 BASIC, Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5Perl, PIR??Stable?Inactive
PIRParrot Intermediate RepresentationPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)SemistableMaintenance
WMLScript WMLScriptPIRParrot 0.8.1-devel358/358 (100%)DevelopmentActive
Zcode0.2 Z-machinePIRParrot 0.8.1-devel0/0 (1)DevelopmentInactive
abc bcPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel161/161 (100%)SemistableInactive
befunge0.2.2 BefungePASM?? (1)SemistableInactive
bf Brainf**kPIRParrot 0.8.1-devel1/1 (1)Stable?Dormant
c99 C programming language,  C99 dialectPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel0/6 (1)?Inactive
 cardinal Ruby 1.9Perl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel?/373 (1)Development?Active
chitchat SmalltalkPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel2/2 (100%)?Inactive
cola0.1.2ColaC, PerlParrot 0.8.1-devel2/2 (100%)SemistableDormant
dotnet.Net to PIR translatorC, Perl, PIRParrot 0.8.1-devel45/263 (17.11%)?Dormant
eclectus SchemeC, SchemeParrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)?Inactive
ecmascript ECMAScriptPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel12/12 (100%)DevelopmentActive
forth ForthPIRParrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)?Reactivating?
 gilGeneric Imperative LanguagePerl6Grammar???Inactive
hq9plus HQ9 PlusPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel13/13 (100%)?Dormant/Active?
jakoJakoPerl5Parrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)SemistableDormant
json JSONPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)?Dormant
lazy-k Lazy KPIRParrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)Development (2)Dormant
lisp0.4.13? LISPPIR, PGE?Parrot 0.8.1-devel134/134 (100%)?Dormant
lolcode LOLCODEPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel81/82 (98.78%)?Dormant
lua Lua 5.1Perl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)Development?Active
m4 GNU m4PIRParrot 0.8.1-devel54/125 (43.2%)DevelopmentReactivating?
markdown MarkdownPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel28/28 (100%)Semistable?Dormant
ook0.1.0 Ook!PASMParrot 0.8.1-devel1/1 (100%)Stable?Maintenance
perl6 "Rakudo Perl"? Perl 6Perl6Grammar, PerlParrot 0.8.1-devel275/275 (100%) (3)DevelopmentActive
pheme0.1.0 SchemePerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel51/51 (100%)Development?Reactivating?
Pipp PHPPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.2-devel524/524 (100%)DevelopmentActive
punie0.1.0 Perl 1.0Perl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel52/52 (100%)DevelopmentInactive
pynie PythonPerl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel76/88 (86.36%)DevelopmentDormant
regexRegular expression enginePMCParrot 0.8.1-devel53/53 (100%)Development?Dormant/Inactive?
scheme SchemePerl 5Parrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)DevelopmentInactive
squaakSquaak (showcase language)Perl6GrammarParrot 0.8.1-devel4/5 (80%)DevelopmentDormant
unlambda UnlambdaPIRParrot 0.8.1-devel3/3 (100%)?Dormant
 partcl TclPIR, C(PMC) Version Spec Test StatusDevelopment svn log
urmUniversal Register MachinePerl 5Parrot 0.8.1-devel5/7 (71.42%)Stable?Inactive
 parrotjs ECMAScriptPIRParrot 0.8.1-devel? (1)DevelopmentDormant
 Kea-CLCommon Lisp?????
  • (1) I couldn't get one or more tests to run on my system.
  • (2) As per README/documentation.
  • (3) Basic tests only.


So it's easy to tell what's going on with a project, I'll categorize statuses on the basis of two criteria:

  • Completeness: stable, semistable, development, prototype, unknown
    • Stable: Claims to be version 1.0, 2.0, etc.; tests appear to cover a usable subset of functionality.
    • Semistable: Stable to a deprecated or old standard; can be extended to the latest standard.
    • Development: Claims to be version 0.1, 0.2, etc.; large functionality missing.
    • Prototype: Claims to be development, prototype or no version number; only basic functionality is in.
  • Development: active, maintenance, dormant, inactive
    • Active: Major changes in the last month.
    • Maintenance: Minor changes in the last month; only really applicable to stable/semistable languages.
    • Dormant: No major changes in the last month; bugfixes and occasional commits are still being made.
    • Inactive: No changes in the last three months.