69 | | To maintain state, the same context must be used for all phases of a request, as it contains a reference to the interpreter. When a context is needed, code should call {{{init_ctx(server_rec *s, conn_rec *c)}}}, which will return an available context from the pool. If {{{conn_rec *c}}} is non-null, {{{init_ctx}}} will return the context bound to that connection, or bind an available connection and return it. Code in hooks that run before the pre-connection phase should pass a NULL connection. |
| 69 | To maintain state, the same context must be used for all phases of a request, as it contains a reference to the interpreter. When a context is needed, code should call {{{init_ctx(server_rec *s, conn_rec *c)}}}, which will return an available context from the pool. If {{{c}}} is non-null, {{{init_ctx}}} will return the context bound to that connection, or bind an available connection and return it. Code in hooks that run before the pre-connection phase should pass a NULL connection. |