69 | | Original Parrot tests were written in Perl. Those Perl tests can be ported to PIR test. This is a good place to earn your feathers and learn more PIR at the same time. [http://www.perlfoundation.org/parrot/index.cgi?convert_existing_tests_to_parrot Converting existing tests to Parrot] covers what you'll need to know about the format of a PIR test. If you're not familiar with the test suite functions, you'll want to review `parrot/runtime/library/Test/More.pir`. The functions section gives a description of the different testing functions, mainly: `plan`, `diag`, `ok`, `nok`, `is`, `is_deeply`, `like`, `isa_ok`, `skip`, `isnt` and `todo`. This is a good time to point out that POD can and usually is embedded in PIR files. So if you're in the root build directory, you can run the following to view the module documentation: |
| 69 | Original Parrot tests were written in Perl. Those Perl tests can be ported to PIR test. This is a good place to earn your feathers and learn more PIR at the same time. [wiki:ConvertExistingTestsToPIR] covers what you'll need to know about the format of a PIR test. If you're not familiar with the test suite functions, you'll want to review `parrot/runtime/library/Test/More.pir`. The functions section gives a description of the different testing functions, mainly: `plan`, `diag`, `ok`, `nok`, `is`, `is_deeply`, `like`, `isa_ok`, `skip`, `isnt` and `todo`. This is a good time to point out that POD can and usually is embedded in PIR files. So if you're in the root build directory, you can run the following to view the module documentation: |