Change History for PMCUnionDeprecationTasklist

Version Date Author Comment
23 12 years cotto add a note that this task is complete
22 13 years cotto add reason for UnionVal deprecation
21 13 years cotto
20 13 years cotto add moderately coherent gotcha about MULTIs
19 13 years whiteknight removing note about array pmcs, which I've already resolved.
18 13 years cotto I hate clones.
17 13 years cotto partially fixed Continuation
16 13 years cotto just kidding about ManagedStruct and SArray
15 13 years cotto LexPad is partially done
14 13 years cotto 'nother gotcha
13 13 years cotto added gotchas, fixed Float
12 13 years cotto unlinkify an unintentional wiki link
11 13 years cotto
10 13 years cotto BigInt is converted
9 13 years Infinoid ITYM s/LexPax/LexPad/. HTH. HAND.
8 13 years cotto add table of PMCs that can currently be converted
7 13 years cotto add tt ref for PMC_struct_val removal from mark_sweep
6 13 years cotto
5 13 years cotto new plan needed
4 13 years whiteknight adding a note about how this relates to the GC, which is going to need …
3 13 years jimmy
2 13 years cotto
1 13 years cotto