Our trac installation requires an email confirmation in order to create an account and comment on tickets.
So, when we get ticket spam, there's a good chance the email actually belongs to a spammer.
Here are some easily harvestable entries from folks that have spammed us; Other spammers, enjoy!
alivenk Aliven Kipling alivenk@gmail.com 2009-07-29 08:46:20 alisawenyan alisawenyan zhao zhaoshuangyan2009@live.com 08/08/09 01:33:25 egg622 wedding planning view tiffany890622@gmail.com 12/03/09 03:54:23 kristy kristy monterokristy@ymail.com 01/06/10 13:50:06 kristy123 kristy monterokristy@ymail.com 01/11/10 20:36:05 susieb susie.brigmouth382@googlemail.com 01/10/10 21:55:22 DurfWerzel Durf spam_yh@yahoo.com 01/10/10 21:10:57 Jack9 Jack9 akonk4@gmail.com 04/13/10 14:18:21 mike3050 Mike Smith john@zolpo.com 04/23/10 11:44:38 bascorp badok badyapost@yandex.ru 04/27/10 14:07:48 LIZCarroll LIZCarroll jennifermartinez@mail15.com MitchellLuisa33 MitchellLuisa33 saraward@mail333.com 07/16/10 22:22:50}}} tradelord botakacong@yahoo.com == Resolving Spam == * log the account information of the spammer on this page. * delete the account used to generate the spam * get a list of the ticket numbers the spammer has added comments to. * use the admin plugin "delete changes" - one at a time, enter the ticket number... * Note that the changes are NOT presented in chronological order by default. * For each spam comment(and any followups that say "this is spam", from helpful users trying to point things out to the admins), hit the "delete change" button.